A collection of different posts related to our work here at Lese. This most often consists of new releases, updates and tutorials, but may also contain more high concept writings on audio engineering, design, and even general business thoughts.

New Release: Glow, an Audio Plugin for Mass Granulation
Meet Glow. Glow is the product of many months of work, growing from a simple granulation effect to a fully fledged effect processor. Featuring three granular engines, three post-processing effects, and four modulators, Glow is a powerful tool for any

Codec Plugin Update 1.1: Delay Compensation & Mixer
Codec has been updated to version 1.1 After a few weeks with Codec out we’ve had an excellent month, Codec was downloaded more than anything else we’ve released… combined! One technical downfall that Codec had at release was it’s lack

Transfer Plugin Update 1.2: The Reflections Update
After a few months with Transfer out, we’ve gotten a lot of feedback, and a number of good ideas on how to improve it. Meet Transfer 1.2: Reflections: Enable the new reflections processor with the “Reflections” toggle button, and

New Release: Codec, an Audio Plugin for Modern Degradation
Meet Codec. Codec comes from an idea we had for a plugin some time ago: “What if you could simulate a bad internet connection?” Looking around, we couldn’t find that much that accomplished what we wanted. There were a few

New Release: Strum, a “Sound Strummer” Audio Plugin
Meet Strum. Built from a desire to be able to “Strum Your Sound”, Strum is a multiband delay with a twist. The delay times & feedback values for each of the delay lines inside of strum are controlled by control

New Release: Recurse, a Recursive Audio Processor
Created from a desire to make “Recursive Music”, Recurse was initially designed to mimic tools used by artists such as William Basinski, where audio is sent through effect chains over and over again, slowly altering the sound over time from
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