Sweep Plugin Update 1.1.0: UX Improvements, Internal Bugfixes

We have gotten a lot of feedback in the last week on what can be improved with Sweep, and it has been updated! Sweep 1.1.0 (April 17th, 2022): Improved the “Random Section”, where now the phase / complexity controls will be disabled if random amount is turned off. Fixed some tiny vector scalability bugs. Fixed […]

Sweep for macOS Intel / M1 now available + Small updates

Sweep is now available for macOS (and is available on both Intel and M1 Macs). Small updates were also made during the building process and Sweep is now at 1.0.1 (First ever update! So exciting). As always, if any problems are met during the process of installation, or if you find any bugs and want […]

Introduction, Free VST Plugin, Beta Testing, Roadmap

Everything is almost set up at this point so I think that now is the time for an introduction. I’ve been working on quite a few audio plugins and I am really excited to show them to everyone when they’re perfect and ready (release dates will likely be over the course of the next few months). In the meantime, here is a taste of what’s to come; Lese’s first plugin, available for free.