Lese Updates

Introduction, Free VST Plugin, Beta Testing, Roadmap

Everything is almost set up at this point so I think that now is the time for an introduction. I’ve been working on quite a few audio plugins and I am really excited to show them to everyone when they’re perfect and ready (release dates will likely be over the course of the next few months). In the meantime, here is a taste of what’s to come; Lese’s first plugin, available for free.

My first plugin, Sweep, an “Endless Filter”, is available as free to download as of now (Currently only for 32/64 bit windows as a VST plugin but I will have Intel / ARM Mac builds soon). Based upon a Max MSP patch I first created a few years ago, Sweep arranges filters in the same arrangement that shepherd tones arrange their frequencies, so that audio can be filtered to sound like it increases or decreases in pitch endlessly. Sweep will remain as a free plugin and you can download it here. If you want to help out at all during this “beta phase”, email support@lese.io if you find any bugs (with an explanation of what caused it).

What To Expect?

In terms of the upcoming works, a lot of the plugins / tools are designed to fill niche use cases and unconventional creation processes. We will never be releasing an EQ or compressor ;).

The Blog itself will serve as a pseudo-newsletter to keep everyone up-to-date; covering new products, updates, and maybe other topics as well (such as tips, song demos, testimonials, creative / design practice, and more).

More Updates

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